Recommended Recipes
for Yirgacheffe + Legender or Esmeralda Geisha + Legender
It’s a recipe for 24oz (2cups) / hot.
This recipe allows you to experience the coffee’s character more vividly.
It has an excellent body and a very good balance of sweetness and acidity. Additionally, it is designed for a quantity suitable for two people to enjoy.
Bloom 120 ml
30 Seconds
1st pour - 160 ml
30 Seconds
2nd pour - 160 ml
30 Seconds
3rd pour - 160 ml
30 Seconds
Be Ready
- Boil water to 86°C
- Place filter in dripper and rinse with hot water
- Preheat the dripper and server(Hario 02 size recommended)
- Grind coffee to medium fine size
- 22 grams of Legender and 18 grams of Yirgaceffe(or Esmeralda) - Place dripper on server
- Place server with dripper on scale and tare
- Add grinded coffee in center of filter
- Tare scale
- Settle well evenly.
1st Pour
- Pour 160ml of water.
- Wait for 30 seconds.
- Try to pour as much as possible around the middle.
- You don't have to boil the water again. Keep using water that naturally lowers the temperature.
hot water
30 seconds
2nd Pour
- Pour 160ml of hot water.
- Wait for 30 seconds
- After 2 minutes and 40 seconds in total, separate the server and the dripper to finish brewing.
- Do not exceed 2 minutes and 40 seconds even if there is water left in the dripper.
- If there is too much water left, grind the coffee coarsier little.
hot water
30 seconds
3rd Pour
- Pour 160ml of hot water.
- Wait for 40 seconds
- Depending on the concentration, you can add more or less water.
- If you want enjoy iced coffee, add 80ml instead of 120ml.
hot water
30 seconds
Geisha Coffee House
Easy and great recipe for Yirgaceffee and Esmeralda Geisha Coffee.
It is a recommended recipe because it has a good balance, a smooth taste, a pleasant acidity, and a rich sweetness.
1 Hario V60 02 Dripper
1 Paper Filter
1 Gooseneck kettle
Sclae with Timer
Cup (12oz recommended)
20g of coffee
280ml of water
1:14 Ratio
2'40" Total Brew time