Best Way to Enjoy our Coffee

Recommended Recipes

for Yirgacheffe and Esmeralda Geisha Coffee

It’s a recipe for 12oz (1cup) / hot.

The result of this recipe is very smooth. It’s a coffee that feels like it’s coated, and you can feel a very good balance and heavy body.

It is also a simple recipe that is easy to memorize and can be completed in a short time of 2 minutes and 40 seconds. If you use this recipe coffee with a good acidity, you can complete a smoother and sweeter coffee.

Bloom 40 ml
60 Seconds
1st pour - 80 ml
60 Seconds
2nd pour - 40 ml
40 Seconds
Add hot water and swal 120ml

Be Ready

  1. Boil water to 94°C
  2. Place filter in dripper and rinse with hot water
  3. Preheat the server
  4. Grind coffee to medium fine size
  5. Place dripper on cup
  6. Place server with dripper on scale and tare
  7. Add 20 grams of coffee to center of filter
  8. Tare scale
  9. Settle well evenly.
20g coffee


  1. Start timer
  2. Pour 40ml of boiled water.
  3. Wait for 60 seconds.
40 ml hot water
1 minute

1st Pour

  1. Pour 80ml of water.
  2. Wait for 60 seconds.
  • Try to pour as much as possible around the middle.
  • You don't have to boil the water again. Keep using water that naturally lowers the temperature.
80 ml hot water
1 minute

2nd Pour

  1. Pour 40ml of hot water.
  2. Wait for 40 seconds
  3. After 2 minutes and 40 seconds in total, separate the server and the dripper to finish brewing.
  • Do not exceed 2 minutes and 40 seconds even if there is water left in the dripper.
  • If there is too much water left, grind the coffee coarsier little.
40 ml hot water
40 seconds

Add water

  1. Add 120ml of hot water to the brewed coffee.
  2. Swirl well enough.
  • Depending on the concentration, you can add more or less water.
  • If you want enjoy iced coffee, add 80ml instead of 120ml.
120ml hot water

Geisha Coffee House


Easy and great recipe for Yirgaceffee and Esmeralda Geisha Coffee.

It is a recommended recipe because it has a good balance, a smooth taste, a pleasant acidity, and a rich sweetness.


1 Hario V60 02 Dripper
1 Paper Filter
1 Gooseneck kettle
Sclae with Timer
Cup (12oz recommended)


20g of coffee
280ml of water
1:14 Ratio
2'40" Total Brew time

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